Loon Cam Greetings - 2010!
We're really excited to report that Wing, Patrick and I installed the loon cam earlier this week! I believe the refreshing still image is working, and Patrick hopes to have the live stream up and running very soon.
As many of you probably know, we had an extremely mild late winter, and thus ice was out very, very early. Local "eagle eyed" observers reported a single loon back on the pond the last week of March, and a pair on March 28. I don't know if we set any records, but the Maine Governor actually opened spring fishing early. If we can't pick up people's spirits with a robust economy, why not cheer up the angers among us with an early start to the season.
When we set up the system this past Tuesday, there were a curious pair of loons around the island for a brief time. Patrick and I got a good enough look at their legs to determine they are both unbanded. I guess that's good and bad. It's sad to learn that we may have lost the banded pair, but if this new pair is now firmly in control of the territory, it could mean a better likelihood of successful nesting:<)
Grab your popcorn, and your "undisclosed" beverage of choice, pull up a chair, and enjoy the 2010 loon cam. I'm looking forward to conversing with all of you, and I'm counting on your keen observations to help us keep track of the activity.
As in past years, I intend to blog once a week, minimally, and more frequently if and when my schedule allows.
Best regards,